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Revelation of Union - Engagement
Scene details
- Start date: June 17, 2023, 4:09 p.m.
End date: June 17, 2023, 6:31 p.m.
- Location: Granse - Manor De Crima
- Participants:
Reize Seatlan,
Ruidosa La Crima
Setting: Reize has been bothered regarding Ruidosa's aggression as of late. It is up to the mother to bring Reize up to speed regarding the vampire customs as a new member of the "La Crima" house.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 8 months ago
Upon nightfall is where those that rely on darkness thrive. It is where the marshes become more lively and the more cryptic forces tend to strike. It is also a good night for the vampires to relax and carry on their day. What is equally important is that it is a full moon; the dark clouds pass by, but otherwise avoid standing in the way of the brilliant light.
For one young explorer, he had been staying within the quarters, but decided to make his way down the stairs into the lobby of the manor. He grimaces as he holds his head, recalling the wrath of Ruidosa as she rained down a destructive dark energy at Ivo, him, and the Undine. He remember having to help calm her down right after the fight.
Luckily, perhaps taking her home proved to satisfy her wrath. Maybe. The boy grimaces as he holds his head. Still ringing. He hangs his head low, comical river of tears running down his face. "...Ugghh... Ruidosa has been really rough with me these days." He remembers her leaping at him for the bite a few days prior!
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
Ruidosa was more than a little mad after the fight, but it mainly had to do with Ivo aggravating the swarm with deciding to make the stakes ''Reize''. So everything became SO MUCH WORSE. Ruidosa chose to spend the night sleeping in her coffin since she hasn't gotten to sleep in it since they last left and it's been, ugh, ''beds''. Still...
Lady La Crima happens to be sitting on the sofa in the vestibule as she reads some sort of ancient tome as Reize talks to himself. She arches her eyebrows. "Shouldn't humans be sleeping around this time?" she asks. She knew what he said, but she's addressing the obvious first.
"Oh. Has she?" she asks curiously. "Come here and tell me." she says, motioning to the couch opposite the other side of the tea table there.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 8 months ago
With a heavy sigh, a mushroom cloud escapes the boy's lips as he looks quite weary. However, as he continues to walk along the manor's lobby, he realizes that the Lady of the manor is nearby. When his head turns to see her, his eyes widen, followed by a flushed face.
"L-Lady La Crima!" His face is a bit flustered, mostly out of embarassment. With a hand rubbing to the back of his head, he gives her an uneasy smile. "Normally, yeah. Still... reeling a bit." He grimaces.
Upon her motioning to the couch on the opposite end, he decides to settle down and he straightens up to a more presentable form. He looks a bit nervous, though he muses. "Well, the past few days, Rui's been a bit more aggressive. First, she got angry after asking me if I was 'philanderer'... whatever that means." He rubs his head, "At the time, I asked her if she was certain that she would want to go to Cosmopolis. ...It..." He gives a weak smile, "May be an unpleasant experience for her, given her... aversion to plants."
"And during the match, she had blasted both me and Ivo...well, and the undine that was getting close." He has a bit of a sweatbead. "Though, I vaguely remember Ivo raising the stakes of their match."
"...Oh, right." His eyes furrow, tone becomes flat. "... 'I' was the stake."
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
Lady La Crima claps a little as she smiles. "She didn't have an aversion to plants until she started to adventuring! Isn't it lovely, the things we learn about ourselves?" she says. "When we escape our glass cages?" she wonders as she puts down her book finally, placing it on the table.
She listens a little. She giggles a little, but doesn't elaborate on what the word means. She clearly knows however, as she smiles. She listens. "I understand Ruidosa did quite well in her matches. I'm pleased." she says. She then head tilts a little as she hrms.
"Oh? OH. Right. Yes. You...."
"Accepted her offer of a room..." she says, drumming her fingers against the side of the sofa. "Right?" she asks, curiously, unsure if he had said yes, or no before.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 8 months ago
There is a bit of a large sweatbead appearing on the back of his head. "... Not sure if that is exactly a good thing, considering how Ruidosa reacted." He gives a nervous laugh. He can already imagine that Ruidosa will be fuming once she sees what Cosmopolis has to offer. However, after a moment to to think, "...Though, learning about yourself is important when adventuring."
He gives a grin, "Yeah, Ruidosa performed great! She definitely demonstrated her power well." He grimaces, "I thought I stood a chance against her, but..." Pride shot. "...Next time, maybe!"
As Lady La Crima brings up about the room, the boy lifts his head up. "...Oh, yeah. After we saved Tranquila from the vampire hunters, in fact." He gives a thoughtful look, "Err..." He raises an eyebrow towards the Lady, "... Was there a special meaning behind it?" Reize feels like he may have stumbled upon something.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima ahs and smiles. "That explains a little bit." she says. She sighs a little and pushes the book away, as if it wa sin the way and says. "So. In my house..." pause. "I mean. The vampire house. Not. This manor." she says, spreading her fingers a moment. "When one is offered a room like that. It means a few things."
"One is that you represent my house now." she says and waves it off. "I know you won't cause me any trouble I can't handle." she says. "So I have nothing against that." she says.
"Though that will cause problems when it comes to the annual ball. No matter. We'll get you a nice suit!" she smiles.
"But the second issue is..."
"How do I say this...?"
"Similar to a human marriage proposal?" she asks curiously.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 8 months ago
. o O ( ? )
Above the boy's head is a bubble with a question mark, matched by the antenna hair. When the eldest lady of the manor sets the book aside, he watches her closely and listens carefully.
It takes quite a bit for the boy to process the information given. First is differentiating the 'vampire house' as opposed to the 'manor'. In this case, Reize is essentially a member of the La Crima family now...?
That means...
"...Ah!" His face becomes beet red, the usual defiant hair straightening with steam shooting up from above. "Whhh----" His eyes widen, realizing that the relationship with Ruidosa has grown. Without him knowing! "Eeeeeeeeh?!" Sweat shoots, now becoming frantic. "So that means, I'm engaged now?!" The boy is trying to make sure that he processed everything correctly.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
Lady La Crima claps a little. Perhaps misunderstanding everything. "Isn't it wonderful?" she asks, not reading Reize's expressions correctly. She then sighs a little. "I mean..."
"Yes?" she asks curiously, without worry. "I mean. Is that... a problem?" she asks, with some concern, gently clasping her hands in front of her now as she wears said concerned expression.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 8 months ago
There is so much for the young boy to process. He accepted a marriage from someone without knowing about this -again-. Everything starts to become hazy. La Crima is no longer there. The manor is no longer there.
Instead, Reize is within the forest, wearing a simple forest form outfit. He is gazing at the sky with a familiar taller and slightly older girl behind him. The girl wears a scarlet top with a black long skirt. Over her shoulder is a long bow.
Reize muses, "Yeah. This Courage Pendant... I'm sure it will guide me."
The girl interjects, "It'll be guiding both you and your fiancee, you mean. Couples always travel together."
"Augh, you're still holding that over me?!"
"Just promise me... when you finally go on an adventure, you won't leave me behind. You'll take me with you."
There was a pinky swear. Reize wrinkles his face, but ultimately concedes to the pinky. "Deal. But adventurers first. Fiancees later."
That was a promise that was not fulfilled. The Great Beast gave a choice: a safe passage home or to continue. The latter meant to leave everything behind.
He made that choice.
However, along that choice...
... There was a new bond.
At one moment, the blue-haired vampire is close to the boy as the boy embraced her, allowing her to feed in order to replenish herself. During that bond ignited something deeper.
The vision with the two dissolve and it becomes a vision at the bridge. It is Ruidosa, leaning her head against the young explorer, holding onto his arm. Reize, bound with his partner, holds her close to him. A warm smile grows.
Ruidosa felt safe with him. And in the end, he felt something for her.
Everything starts to fade. He properly returns to the 'now'. There is the familiar manor and La Crima, who now seems a bit concerned. He offers her a smile.
"... No. It just took me by surprise."
He brightens a smile, "I accept the role as a member of your house. ...And the engagement."
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
Lady La Crima claps again as she does and smiles. "Wonderful! We'll ''do'' have to get you a proper suit then soon. Just in case. Ohhhh my father is going to be just 'livid'!" she says, dramatically. "Wonderful!" she says, happily, for some reason.
"You'll have to deal with his blatant disregard for human life eventually, now. Don't worry, you can do it. Maybe!" she says with a smile.
'Maybe'. Still, she smiles. "You shouldn't tell Ruidosa we had this conversation. But."
"I would be more careful with your interactions with other ladies." she says. "Just a bit. If you can help it. She's probably jealous."
"Sorry. Us vampires are prone to it. It's a failing."
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 8 months ago
It looks like the worries are soothed over. As the elder of the vampires returns to that proper smile, Reize relaxes and looks over the older woman. The explorer does scrunch his face at the thought of a 'proper suit'. Those suits always feel uncomfortable. He recollects the last time that he wore a suit.
The mention of La Crima's father, however... "...Eh...?!"
The re-assurance of not having to worry about La Crima's father does leave the boy uneasy, evident by the bubble over his head. . o O ( ... )
However, the request for secrecy is acknowledged, "...Got it! I won't tell Ruidosa about this conversation."
Oh. Right. Interactions with other ladies. He furrows his eyebrow, a larger sweatbead. "...R--righht. I'll be careful, Lady La Crima..."
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
Lady La Crima smiles a little. "It's better to keep it between ourselves. Do not want Ruidosa thinking you we're wandering on the question that went unasked to begin with." she says with a shhhhhh to her lips in thought.
"Oh... oh. Please. Just call me 'Mother'." she says with a closed eyed huff. "Lady La Crima is for commoners."