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Aurita Meloda's Arena Exhibition 2: Ruidosa vs Ivo

Scene details

Setting: After obtaining victory over Reize, Ruidosa is set to take on Ivo. However, what lies at stake is not for La Crima's hand, but Reize's hand. ... Wait what?


  The current atmosphere within Aurita Meloda is one of prosperity. The surroundings are vibrant with the canals bearing fresh, clean water and the wild palmettos and berry bushes are abundant. The flora have been pruned and cultivated by the beastkin. The sky has darken as it approaches evening. There are lamps hung throughout the city, but they are not made of fire, but have been lit by glowing stag beetles that are providing the way for people to enjoy the merriment.

 The night sky is enjoyed by both Merfolk and Lizardfolk as they relax together. The lizardfolk remain gathered on the freshly painted white and red shrine. With the roast fish as the food, the lizardfolk are happy. Meanwhile, the Merfolk are enjoying the atmosphere. They are not alone! They are accompanied by the Undine, who have been able to return to their kin. The water elementals are happily playful in the meriment.

 "The last match was very exciting, but we got another coming up!" Gasa Dan, the branwy merwoman, announces while half-submerged at the canal.

 "Let us all welcome our fighters!"

 Reize, who looks worn, is munching on a fried fish. He is happily eating as he sits next the the Stag statue. He is relaxing nearby his Companion.

 "This match is going to be great!"

Ruidosa La Crima is back in her readying hunt, resting after making sure Reize was okay. He was. Only his pride was really hurt. So that's good. She's pumping herself up. "Might of house La Crima, Might of house La Crima!" she's repeating and shaking her fists up and down. "Might of house La Crima!" she says as she gets ready and steps out of the hut--- well, more pushed out again as she's taking too long and raises her arms up, tome in one hand as she cheers. "I'm gonna win this... I have to win this, my House's honor is at stake now!" she says dramatically.

Pause. "My houses honor is at s-stake!?" she suddenly realizes. Oh dear, she suddenly wonders who her next opponent is going be.

 Ivo Galvan is overthinking this.
 That's his nature, of course, but it's also a consequene of the circumstances. He had impulsively agreed to participate in the future Cosmos Cup with Daiby as his manager, so while he might otherwise prefer to spectate than to join a fighting tournament, this provides several reasons to partake directly in Aurita Meloda's festivities. But, anticipating whom his opponent will be, to say that he has mixed feelings would be an understatement. Of course, he does not wish any harm on Ruidosa, especially after their recent traumatic encounter with the hunters. But he also faces an impossible dilemma.
 Namely: would the Lady La Crima think less of him for underperforming or for harming her precious daughter? How best to impress her with the tale of his exploits today?
 "Oh, Rui... far more than that is at stake."
 Ivo steps from the shadows of Kernunnos's shrine, cloak swirling dramatically, smiling with self-possession, no trace of ambivalence upon his features.
 The children of Aurita Meloda, playing with MegaCapo, glance at one another curiously as they observe Ivo hiding behind a painted pillar so that Ruidosa does not see him right away when she emerges.
 "For the time has come to challenge you in the name of a bond of loving devotion."
 With an excessive flourish, he sweeps his arm out toward the assembled joyous crowd, his eyes wide and expressive.
 "With this fight, we decide... which of us is truly worthy of Reize as 'partner'!?"
 The crowd oohs and aahs at this thrilling revelation. In an impossible situation, Ivo concludes, he is liberated to be absurd.

Ruidosa La Crima blinks as she looks across the arena and she whews a moment. "Oh. It's ''Ivo''." she says a little, relived as if she thought it would be Anna. Look. Anna is scary as fuck when she gets... angry. Okay? If she ever fights her, that's gonna be a ridiculous fight. Ivo is... well Ivo is going to be a fight, but she isn't ''scared'' of Ivo.

"Huh?" thought, she asks to his words, as she blinks a moment and frowns before getting angry. "HEY. THAT'S NOT FAIR!" she says dramatically. "I CAN'T LOSE BOTH THINGS." she says angrily before she throws a ball of dark energy towards Ivo, in response, who may or may not be ready for it- quickly with a quick flip of her wrist as it careens out through the air and towards him!

"EAT DIRT!" she says angrily across the ground. "EAT AT THE SOIL BUFFET!"

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has attacked Ivo Galvan with Quick Art.

  The boy, meanwhile, had been munching on the fish. "This is great that you get to enjoy the peace here, Kernunnos!" He happily noms on the fish. When Ivo dramatically approaches the scene, he watches Ruidosa and Ivo get ready for the fight.

 Om nom.

 "... I wonder if Ivo will use this battle to woo Lady LaCrima over." He gives a thoughtful look. Om nom.

 ....'Worthy of Reize as partner'.

  "... Ah?"

 Reize accidentally drops his fish.

 One of the lizardmen catches the fish and eats the rest of it on the sly.

<COMBAT> Ivo Galvan has been hit by Ruidosa La Crima's Quick Art.

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has attacked Ivo Galvan with Quick Art.

<COMBAT> Ivo Galvan endures Ruidosa La Crima's Quick Art.

 "Yes," Ivo is saying to the crowd, slowly turning as his dramatic monologue continues, "for Reize and I have forged a close, one might even say intimate, bond on our adventures, and this *interloper* has dared to-- uh oh."
 The Cosmopolitan feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand up at about the same time as the sensor on Hauteclare's hilt begins glowing in warning, and he glances warily over his shoulder to see Ruidosa's dark blast rocketing toward him. Without his energy buckler activated, Ivo attempts to swirl his cloak to take the hit while maintaining his balance, and though it impacts, it is difficult to access the damage given the way he turns with his form obscured.
 "Then you'll just have to pick one!"
 Though one eye is squinted shut from the pain, Ivo is grinning with amusement as his sword's blade, its edge swathed in blunting wind to prevent it from properly cutting, spins toward his opponent. It seems that he attempted to use the moment of visual confusion to hide his drawing his weapon and his angle of attack. With subtle twitches of his wrist even before he completes his spin, Hauteclare's blade orbits around Ruidosa before darting in, trying to strike with pinpoint accuracy along her shoulder to imbalance her.
 "Mortal relations are indeed complex," Kernunnos says quietly to Reize from his statue. "I believe it was your friend, the princess of Vaeltrandia, who once told me about this phenomenon before us. The 'harem,' was it?"

<COMBAT> Ivo Galvan has attacked Ruidosa La Crima with Orbital Sword.

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has failed to interrupt Ivo Galvan's Aimed Orbital Sword with Falcata.

Ruidosa La Crima draws her own sword to try to interrupt the attack by throwing open her tome and screaming out "FALCATA!" and sweeping her hand out into the air, a momentary blade of darkness forming, but shutting off almost immediately as the blade hits her in the shoulder and she stutters backwards, thrown off balance but also down to the ground a moment as she gets up.

"'re a big jerk, Ivo!" she says and huffs as she starts charging up something, opening her tome, but otherwise, not doing anything else as she tenses her fingers up.

  "... Oh boy." Reize gives a nervous look as Ivo antagonizes Ruidosa in the match. There is a resigned look on his face as he looks over towards the statue. "...Well, at least they can take out their feelings on the ring."

  Reize furrows his eyebrow at the mention of 'harem'. He frowns at Kernunnos. "I'd rather not think about that... it's exhausting enough as----" He pauses, "Ah?"

  The boy notices that one of the Undine, finally able to see what one appears like, approach him. "Ooooi! You're reunited with your friends!" He brightens.

  Of course, he notices the Undine's eyes have that twinkle...

  Oh no.

  "Err... I'm glad that you got reunited." Inwardly, he thinks.

  . o ( Pleasedon'tturnthisintoround2versusRui. )

  Reize's health is dependent on this.

 "S-sorry," Ivo says instinctively as Ruidosa staggers, his eyes widening slightly as she staggers. He was able to joke around until he sees one of his friends get hurt as a result of his actions. The dilettante just does not have the sort of spirit to experience the thrill of a fight between rivals. "Oh, no..."
 When he sees the vampire girl open her tome, he starts to feel *really* sorry. Deciding that he'd better reposition lest he end this match as an exploding frog, he reaches with his free hand for a handful of elespheres and tosses them at Ruidosa. The cluster of blue and red marbles sail toward her harmlessly until Hauteclare, still darting about through the air and controlled by the magitech fencer, slashes through them, causing them to release their aether abruptly and in proximity.
 "I do it all for love, probably!"
 With this heroic cry, Ivo thus unleashes a blast of hot steam, the red elespheres superheating the water released from the blue, to potentially scald Rui and, more importantly, try to hide himself from view again while he scuttles about the battlefield to try to avoid the next attack.

<COMBAT> Ivo Galvan has attacked Ruidosa La Crima with Medium Art.

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has been hit by Ivo Galvan's Medium Art.

Ivo unleashes fire and heat... Ruidosa's innate weaknesses which DO NOT HELP AT ALL As she screeches something ''inhumanly'' as heat rises out of her postion as she didn't even try to move her position the entire time because she's still charging her attack.

Still, what comes out is a torrent of sudden ''explosions'' like what she did to Reize in their match, filling the arena with just scores of explosions in hope of catching Ivo in one of the many suddenly randomly happening explosions.

NOW This fight is entirely personal. At least one can't see someone PHILANDERING when there's smoke and rage now going on, right?

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has attacked Ivo Galvan with Heavy Art.

<COMBAT> Ivo Galvan has failed to interrupt Ruidosa La Crima's Aimed Heavy Art with Vanishing Blade.

 Too easy.
 Ivo doesn't have the heart, or perhaps the guts, to deploy actual fire against Ruidosa, but he figures that steam is fair game, based on some mysterious personal logic. Regardless, his technique is successful, leaving the enraged vampire girl to thrash about magically, unleashing explosion after explosion in seemingly random locations. With a lopsided grin approaching a smirk, Ivo pauses to flick his wrist and reposition Hauteclare in the air, preparing to strike her mid-casting again. The blade darts in.
 And is promptly blown out of the air by an explosion in a nearby location that Ivo hadn't predicted, sent spiraling into the void.
 Whereupon the floor beneath him also blows up.
 His blade goes spinning in one direction and his body goes spinning in the other, before slamming against Kernunnos's shrine, specfically, the exact pillar he had been hiding behind previously. Slowly, he slides down it, before ending up as in a heap next to Reize. Several long seconds pass.
 "He's... available, you know," Ivo then gasps to the nearby undine, "seeing as... we two are currently occupied." Then he gives Reize a Helpful Big Bro thumbs up. His face is covered in dust and soot. Also, he has a couple big splinters sticking out of him. "What's with that aim!? You barely nicked me, Rui!!"
 He desperately hopes she blasts the undine instead next time.

  Reize had been multitasking the effort of watching Reize and Ruidosa in battle, impressed with how the fight had gone. However, there was a bit of sympathy towards Ivo, considering that Reize was on the receiving end of Ruidosa's explosive dark energy earlier. "....Eeeh, yeah..."

  ...And the other multitasking? Well, the Undine's eyes glimmer at the boy. "I--I am sorry, but..---"

  "--oh hi, Ivo." He has a sweatbead appearing, taken back by the older teenager's entrance nearby him and Kernunnos. He looks up and Kernunnos and then back at Ivo.


  Reize furrows his eyebrows at Ivo. "... Oi!" Sweat runs on his face with a shade of darkness on his face. "

  Meanwhile, the Undine is grasping the boy's hands, pointing out to the merfolk and the other Undine. They all beckon for the explorer to join them.

  "Wait, no really, there is also..." He can't swim, impending danger... etc. etc.

Ruidosa La Crima leaps out of the steam clouds, her explosions finished, looking a little burnt from it all the same in her dress. She angrily eyes Ivo Galvan, Reize Seatlan and the Undine and floats in mid air this time, like as if hanging from a thread you can't see as she has an angry glare in her eyes.

A shield flashes into existence around her at the same time she pushes it outward at the ''entire grouping'' of three, both Reize, Ivo and the nameless undine as she screams. "DO I LOOK LIKE A FOOL!? DO YOU TAKE ME, RUIDOSA LA CRIMA, ''DUCHESS'' OF HOUSE LA CRIMA AS A FOOL, IVO GALVAN, REIZE SEATLAN AND--AND WHOEVER THE HELL YOU ARE!?" She screammmms.

She's starting to float to the side after she throws the shield-like wave of energy at the group!

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has attacked Ivo Galvan with Ola de Escudo.

<COMBAT> Ivo Galvan has been hit by Ruidosa La Crima's Ola de Escudo.

 Here we go.
 "Reize!" Ivo gallantly cries as he withdraws his hollow buckler from his cloak and activates it, a glowing aether energy field filling its gap. "Never fear! I shall protect you and your new love-- guaahagghgh!"
 There is a sound akin to shattering glass as Ruidosa's wave of darkness strikes against the Cosmopolitan's humble shield, it flickers, and then overloads and its barrier breaks, sending Ivo promptly back down to the ground as the wave passes through him inexorably toward its other victims. RIP Reize.
 Dazedly, Ivo looks up at the floating vampire girl, trying to recollect himself and also figure out where the heck his sword went. Taking a deep breath, Ivo reaches into his cloak once more.
 "It seems I have no choice... but to use my secret weapon."
 Obscuring his movement with slight of hand, his wrist flicks, and then some motion flickers in Rui's peripheral vision. Has Hauteclare come back into play? No. Some small force attempts to strike at her, not nearly powerful enough to knock her from the air, but perhaps enough to imbalance or distract her.

> Ivo has thrown the Bishounen Rose.
> This increases Affection Points with any assisted allies.

 Still in a crouch, Ivo looks over his shoulder and winks at Reize.

<COMBAT> Ivo Galvan has attacked Ruidosa La Crima with Quick Art.

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima endures Ivo Galvan's Quick Art.

  Oh, there we go.

 Reize is now in vicinity of Ruidosa's rage.

 "Wait! Rui! This isn't what it looks li-----" The boy franticly waves his hands in front of him to dissuade Ruidosa from directing her anger at him.

 Unfortunately, that is too late.

 When the dark shield is shot towards him.


 Reize is blasting off into the sky. The Undine is blasted off to a different side.

  Undine, caught by her kin, has swirling eyes. Like @_@.

 For the hapless Reize, however, his landing was rougher.

 "...Wh---why...why me." Comical trail of tears run along his eyes as he lands in the arms of Silrug Dac. The old aged merman looks at the boy, and promptly drops him.

Ruidosa La Crima throws up her shield again, to trying to block...whatever that was that was thrown her way when she blinks. A... a rose? Wha?

.... she feels slightly off put by it all! Still, she turns back towards Ivo Galvan and she just lets a dark aura consume her, lighting herself almost on 'darkfire' as it where almost as she screams. "MEET THE FATE AS SO MANY CRABS, IVO GALVAN!" she screams from her aerial position, now ignoring Reize and the Undine again, who are caught as they are sent flying.

She screams out "IDIOTA!!" and the aura suddenly screams out towards Ivo, trying to form connecting trails to her, trying to catch him try to start an energy drain. Of sorts.

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has attacked Ivo Galvan with Medium Art.

<COMBAT> Ivo Galvan has blocked Ruidosa La Crima's Medium Art.

 Ivo had tried to wink at Reize, but he finds to his bemusement that the boy is apparently nowhere to be found. He looks first to a crowd of lizardfolk, then to a crowd of merfolk. Briefly, he makes eye contact with Silrug Dac, who looks innocent. Huh. Shrugging slightly, the Cosmopolitan then looks to the group of undine.
 Only to find that one of them, held in the arms of her brethren with a rather dazed expression, is now staring at him with starry eyes.

> Ivo's Affection Points with the assisted Undine have increased by 10.

 "Ah... heh heh..."
 Ivo attempts a friendly smile before looking back to the fight with a mixed expression, only to see a nightmare come to life sweeping down on him.
 For the first time, the typically composed aristocrat utterly panics at the surprise sight of the screaming Rui diving down on him. In desperation, quickly fumbling in his cloak, Ivo hurls some green elespheres upon the ground. "G-Gale Shield!" he cries, as though shouting will make them work faster, and a torrent of wind arises just in time to partly hold the vampire girl at bay. Staggering back from the impact himself, he falls to one knee, his whole body aching and protesting, but not out yet. "Crabs are tougher than you think! I've *seen* the bottom of Lake Gerisia!"
 With that strange retort, a brief gleam in the air above Rui hints at Hauteclare's reemergence into the battle. Summoning its remaining wind aether, it divebombs her with a grouping of airy clones, seeking to hammer her down with blunt impacts and finally bring her back to earth and equal footing.

<COMBAT> Ivo Galvan has attacked Ruidosa La Crima with Steel Rain.

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima interrupts Ivo Galvan's Steel Rain with Falcata.

  "W---Welcome to my world, Ivo..." Reize asides with a hand raising up while his face remains flat on the ground. Then the hand drops with a thwomp.

Ruidosa La Crima briefly looks up.. 'Eh!?' and the sword comes down this time with the glint in air as she once again draws out her own sword, shouting out the name "FALCATA!" she screams as she momentarily endures the hit... before powering up the blade further and just angrily screaming it again. "FALCATA!" sweeping towards Ivo. "FALCATA!" she screams again. "FAL-CATA!" she screams voice hoarse, and looking ragged and dirty from all the fighting, again as she just keeps swinging her blade.

She'll eventually just be swinging at the air blindly in another direction as she closes her eyes and probably should be stopped before she angrily hurts more people.

Someone outta ring the bell. or something.

 Crabs are, it turns out, not *that* tough.
 Ivo's final cry echoes, for some reason, as he is struck by the first Falcata and flies back, landing with a splash in one of the canals.
 "Winner!" Gasa Dan cries, seemingly unconcerned for the young man's safety, raising her drink in toast. It appears to have a fun little umbrella in it. "Ruidosa La Crima! Can none defeat our reigning champion!?"
 Cheers rise up all about. Meanwhile, Ivo is lifted up by a small group of now friendly undine and, sopping wet, responds to Reize's thumbs up with one of his own. It's not clear if he even saw Reize's. It's just like he knows. Bros for life.
 ...However long that lasts, after pissing off Rui.

<COMBAT> Ivo Galvan takes no action.

<COMBAT> Ivo Galvan can no longer fight.