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Aurita Meloda's Arena Exhibition 1: Reize vs Ruidosa

Scene details

Setting: A new dawn has risen for Aurita Meloda and a celebration is heightened by an honorable duel between unexpected combatants: Reize and Rui!


 A festival in Aurita Meloda would have been unthinkable before the Star Chasers arrived. But today the canals sparkle fresh and clean, and though wild palmettos and berry bushes still spring from cracks in the ancient paths, these are pruned and cultivated by beastkin faithfully committed to living in concert with nature's gifts. The children of those once outcasts laugh and skip near the cliffside, shadowed by a large trundling mechanical capybara now festooned with flowers and graffiti drawn in crayon, and beyond the ocean glimmers, very slowly but surely beginning to fill with life again.
 The lizardfolk gathered by a freshly painted white and red shrine freely share roast fish and frog legs and pastries stuffed with fruit, the statue of a noble stag behind them looking on as though in blessing. Merfolk splash and chat, relaxing among the canals that lace the old city, while various adult beastkin relax among the rooftops of the ruins, their aesthetic preserved (perhaps simply out of judicious use of resources) but their foundations built atop, with more comfortable looking dwellings and patios being built on the upper tiers. They all look down now on the afternoon's coming entertainment.
 "Let the next challengers step forward!" Gasa Dan calls, the brawny merwoman half-submerged in a canal, her strong fist rising, the other hand holding what looks like a fruity drink. Well, everyone gets to have fun today.
 And clearly having fun indeed is one Ivo Galvan, leaning in the shadow of the shrine, a half-eaten fruit pastry in one hand, smiling broadly at the proceedings, delight mingling with a genuine tenderness in his eyes.
 "I never imagined," he murmurs, "anything like this."
 "I," the statue by him replies, "never doubted it."

  Reize was left in awe on how much Aurita Meloda has changed since they last visited. However, the atmosphere has changed to a more relaxed environment. The merfolk and the lizardfolk are able to live in harmony. More importantly, they are here for entertainment in the festival.

  That is why Reize is walking along the shrine, taking in the atmosphere of the place. He look over to see the merfolk splashing and chatting along the old city while the lizardfolk chat and share food.

  The young boy raises a fist into the air, then he brings a boomerang up from his side into the air.

  As the boomerang twists about in the air, he catches it with a single hand and brightens his smile.

  "I'm ready!"

  He is in good spirits, at the very least. His eyes drift towards the statue, smiling at an old friend.

"Oh shit, is that my que?" asks Ruidosa in the tiny hut as she dusts herself off. "I wonder who I'll be fighting.."

She's shoved out of the hut eventually because she's hemming and hawing too much and she clears her throat as she takes in Aurita Meloda and coughs.

"YES, IT IS I! RUIDOSA LA CRIMA OF HOUSE LA CRIMA! GAZE UPON GREATNESS BUT DO NOT GAZE TOO LONG FOR YOU MAY BURN YOUR EYES O--REIZEY!?" she sputters near the end of a pretty powerful speech as she sees who she's fighting.

"UGH finnnnnne." she ughs and relents and snaps her finger, tome coming up to float in front of her as it opens.

"I'm not holding back punches now...!" she huffs. "I'm not just gonna let you win, you know!"

IVO gets a glare, Kerny gets a smile. Who gets what!?

  There it is.

 Reize watches from the other side of the temple as Ruidosa proclaims herself through her powerful speech. There is a large sweatbead appearing behind him. "...Buh?" Well, it is unexpected that his bond would be his opponent for the match. Once she flicks the tome into existence, he closes his eyes with a smile.

 "I won't be holding back either, Ruidosa!" He flicks his hands up to roll the boomerangs along his grasp. He takes his fighting stance; boomerangs held upright while he keeps his guard up. He bobs to the front and the back, mentally readying himself for the fight.

 He takes his position, furrowing his eyebrows. "...Ready for the judge call!"

 "Looking sharp, chief!" Ivo calls from the sidelines, raising his half-eaten pastry as though in an absurd sort of toast.
 "I sense profanity," Kernunnos murmurs, the statue's gem eyes flickering.
 "Don't tell her mother," Ivo quips, without missing a beat. And then the presumed culprit appears, only to find out who her opponent is. "Oh, this should be fun. I said I *wouldn't* tell your mother!" he calls to Ruidosa, raising his voice, as she glares at him, offering no context for his statement.
 "Combatants, en garde!" Gasa Dan shouts from the canal, before she takes a long sip, one assumes to let them prepare.

> Ruidosa La Crima VERSUS Reize Seatlan!
> Ready!?


Ruidosa La Crima gives Ivo another glare that says 'You better not or I'm making this a three way bout.' but she doesn't say anything. What she does do, is throw her tome in front of her and charges dark energy around her in an aura. "WELL GOOD. I DIDN'T WANT YOU TO JUST LET ME WIN..." she blushes darkly as she throws a bolt of dark energy across the arena of the fight, glaring the whole way.

She starts out simple, not relying on any of her inherent named arts yet as she clenches a hand around the tome.

"I can win this!" she insists!

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has attacked Reize Seatlan with Medium Art.

<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has dodged Ruidosa La Crima's Medium Art.

  And the call is made.

 As the match begins, Ruidosa's range allows her to get the first shot on the boy. However, he anticipated that Ruidosa would attempt to make the first strike. Given his current stance, he is positioned to make the move on evading against the strike that Ruidosa makes.

  The dark bolt of energy is flung across towards his direction. He leans to the left as he shuffles away from the trajectory of the bolt. He quickly flicks his wrists to have the boomerangs held inverted and he leans forward. He takes the aggressive approach this time, running in towards Ruidosa.

  While closing the distance with her, he pushes his leg downward as he slides towards her, aiming to sweep her off her feet.

 In the non-romantic way, of course.

 As if that's not enough, the leg moves across to enable him to use the other leg for a follow-up sweep in case the first one is seen.

<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has attacked Ruidosa La Crima with Medium Attack.

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has blocked Reize Seatlan's Feinting Medium Attack.

Ruidosa throws up her shields as Reize gets closer, helping to mitigate the damage of the attack. She grunts a little, but jumps back a little before calling out a page "Falcata!" and throwing out her hand, a large blade of dark energy forming and sweeping it forward towards Reize.

"I'm invincible! AND MUCH CUTER, YOU CAN'T WIN!" she bellows about as she sweeps her dark energy sword about, moving forward! Cackling bemusedly about... this. Maybe.

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has attacked Reize Seatlan with Falcata.

<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has been hit by Ruidosa La Crima's Falcata.

  As the boy brings his leg to slam against Ruidosa's legs to take her off-balance, he finds a force preventing him from making impact. "Huh...?" The dark energy that manifested upon the impact is noticed as Reize looks at the glowing, radiating dark light. "...Tsch."

 He brings his hands up to try to revert back to a stance to guard against the manifesting dark blade. However, the energy tears through before he could bring his guard up. "Gugghhh....!" He grimaces as the blade leaves a mark across his arms and his chest.

 He staggers back, shaking his upper body while he takes deep breaths. He looks back at Ruidosa with a grin, "Nice shot, Ruidosa! However, that won't stop me!" The boy sprints towards Ruidosa, kicking a foot against the ground to launch him up.

  He comes down with one leg tearing through the air. Aether manifests around his body and then trails down to his leg as he brings his foot down towards Ruidosa. "Fading Sun!"

<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has attacked Ruidosa La Crima with Fading Sun.

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has been hit by Reize Seatlan's Fading Sun.

Ruidosa La Crima tries to endure the hit by raising up an arm to intercept the kick and it doesn't work very well, as she grimaces and 'ughacks!' which is quite a sound to make as she's pushed backwards and nearly falls over. Nearly. She has to steady herself on her feet as she mutters and charges up energy and just unleashes a sweeping volley of nameless dark energy blasts across the field as she cackles like a madwoman insane vampire that she is.

Look, it's just. vampire stuff. Don't read into it too hard!!!

Vampries cackle! It's just. a thing!

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has attacked Reize Seatlan with Heavy Art.

<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has been hit by Ruidosa La Crima's Aimed Heavy Art.

 Gasa Dan, witnessing the barrage of dark blasts consuming the festival battlefield, nods firmly in approval. The children ooh and ahh, distracted from their play, as MegaCapo carefully maneuvers its metal bulk to protect them just in case of stray debris.
 "You know, Kernunnos," Ivo says, "I used to fear vampire curses."
 "But now," he adds, "I fear vampire explosions."
 "I suppose," Kernunnos says after a moment, "that's progress."
 "No," Ivo casually replies. "Not really."

  • Character: Daiby
  • 1 year, 4 months ago

Daibenzaiten no. Sarasabattay sits, not in the shadow of the shrine, but at the edge of the shadow. She is sitting on the edge in more ways than one, because she has one leg out in the sun. A layer of dresscloth is keeping her from getting a sunburn (it can happen even with darker skin) but she has three different small colorful snakes coiled up on her thigh. One of them, with topaz-yellow scales, seems to be watching the spars with her.

Daiby herself also has a refreshing beverage in a coconut shell.

"From a perspective of the development of ecology," Daiby muses, "the explosions do seem counterproductive. Unless the explosiive strategy also came with a very long tongue to gather up all of the spilled blood once the prey is neutralized? Even so, detonations do seem a rare adaptation to most environments."

  After pushing his foot down to send Ruidosa down, the boy quickly springs back and gets into his fighting stance once more. "There's more where that came from!" He gives a cocky grin, twirling his boomerangs before he takes them into grip once again.

 However, his eyes widen when she starts unleashing folley of dark energy across the field.


 As Ruidosa goes on a maniacal rampage with her magic, Reize is moving to get quick on his feet. He is going to show why he is nimble.

 ...However, he is caught by the first blast. Them the volley comes forth. "Bbbbb---" There is a deafening sound of explosion rupturing the air. Darkness envelops the field where Reize once stood.

 What is left behind is smoke...


 He drops to a knee, and then he gets up. He won't give up yet!

  He launches himself at Ruidosa, his body glimmering with an aura as he comes forth. He looks beaten, bruised, and all sorts of damaged, but he is not going to let that stop him!

  He launches his foot out to catch Ruidosa with a roundhouse, and then he starts to follow through with follow-up roundhouse kicks, "Yaaaah!" Should the first set connect, he'll pivot off to bounce away from Ruidosa in a backflip.

<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has attacked Ruidosa La Crima with Kite's Ascent.

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has been hit by Reize Seatlan's Kite's Ascent.

Ruidosa La Crima can see the incoming roundhouse and she tries to dodge it, but she can't. She takes a smack to the chest and then gets roundhouse kicked into the air before she has to land down. On her butt, a mess and looking a little more ragged. She makes another 'urgack!' sound as she stands up and frowns as Reize bounces away. She frowns, and reaches to her book again and shouts "Cadena de Tinieblas!" a form of a dark energy orb appearing in the air a moment in front of her as she shoots a bouncing chain of lighting across the air and the arena as she attempts to smack into the retreating Reize.

"I'M NOT GIVGING UP BECAUSE YOU KICKED ME A LOT!" she yells. "GONNA TAKE! 10,000 KICKS TO DEFEAT ME! OUHOHOHOHO." she oujo laughs the entire way through.

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has attacked Reize Seatlan with Cadena de Tinieblas.

<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has been hit by Ruidosa La Crima's Cadena de Tinieblas.

<COMBAT> ** Glancing Blow **

  Reize manages to distance himself from Ruidosa after the flurry of flying roundhouse kicks. He cracks a grin as he holds his boomerangs upright. He keeps himself postured to see if he can anticipate Ruidosa's next move.

 However, when she forms a dark orb in front of her. "....Whoa!"

 Its now the chain of dark lightning that is shooting his way.

 The young man moves himself to the side, quickly snapping away from the lightning shooting his way.

 However, that chain comes back.

 Reize, anticipating the maneuvering lightning, leans his entire body back. However, the trail end of the lightning current licks against his chest and arm. There is a grimace as he tries to bear with the surging lightning.

 To distance himself, he leaps back and throws both of his boomerangs. They ricochet across the walls and the temple, then zooming in on Ruidosa to pelt her.

<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has attacked Ruidosa La Crima with Ricochet Smash.

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has been hit by Reize Seatlan's Ricochet Smash.

 "Unfortunately," Ivo says to Daiby, watching Reize rally and unleash his trademark kicks, "vampires also had to adapt to some unexpected predators. We had an encounter with vampire hunters recently that I would rather than repeat, but that I fear we will." He sighs, looking aside at his admired senpai. "The thought of someone dedicating themselves to 'hunting' a sapient being... I just can't understand it. It makes my skin crawl. I'm opposed on principle, of course, but I can't help but think... 'what a waste!' You know?"
 The frequently foppish dilettante has clearly found some subjects about which he is passionate and resolute on his adventures with the Star Chasers, moral and otherwise.
 "Besides," he continues, looking back to the fight in progress, "the vampire couples their capacity for terrifying force with a commitment to feeding off a particular hapless partner. So they don't need to attract *that* much prey, I presume."
 Then Reize throws his boomerangs.
 "Oh, not that hapless!"
 But still prey?

Ruidosa takes boomerangs to the side and to the front as she 'oofawks!' at each hit as she grrrs and that dark aura grows along as she steadies herself and clenches her hands. "DO YOU THINK YOU CAN WIN THIS WITH THROWING THINGS AT ME, REIZEY!?" she screams, at least it's 'Reizey' and not 'Reize Seatlan' at the moment.

So she isn't really angry per say... but..

That dark aura grows as she lunges forward and attempts to fly through the air, eyes and aura now glowing quite red as she throws forth bands of red energy and attempts to entrap Reize Seatlan in them, and attempts to draw energy from him in a grand, glowing manner as she starts the oujo laughing again. "BANQUTE ESCARLATA! Ohhohohoho, you are mine~ <3 <3 <3." she laughs the whole time.

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has attacked Reize Seatlan with Banquete Escarlata.

<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has dodged Ruidosa La Crima's Feinting Banquete Escarlata.

  • Character: Daiby
  • 1 year, 4 months ago

"From an evolutionary perspective, it's quite fascinating to consider," Daiby muses. "But I mean, I'm used to thinking of somebody's meals of being a once a week thing, at best, so my thoughts are a little different. You know, sometimes I find I've missed lunch entirely, and I've had to fill up at the afternoon buffet!"

Of course Daiby is used to catered social events just being, like, arround. She does frown in thought. "But wouldn't that be destructive to the favored partner? How tragic," Daiby says with a sort of melancholy sympathy.

"Oh, are we seeing feeding behavior right now?" Daiby adds, leaning forwards with some excitement. The topaz-scaled snake flicks out its tongue! Someone's getting eaten! Or maybe not, as the case may be.

  The boomerangs smacking against Ruidosa was all that the boy needed to catch his breath and strategize on the next move that he'd make. The technique is not particularly powerful, but it is good on disorienting his opponent, albeit brief.

 As Ruidosa tightens her grip, the boomerangs are caught.

 "Not so much!"

 As Ruidosa manifests her dark aura, he watches for a next movement that she makes. He has to be fast on his feet. He is panting, slowly starting to lose his energy. When she flies through the air, the boy quickly runs towards Ruidosa. Her attempt to ensnare the boy is unfruitful as Reize leaps above her.

 A hand touches her back and he bounces off her to flip over her.

 He rolls on the ground and then he gives out a cry.

 "THIS IS MY WILL!" He spins around, erupting with a glowing aura as he tightens his stance. He furrows his eyebrows. "I'll show you how I'll win!" The body starts to blur as he takes a step forward.

 If you blink, Reize is no longer there.

 He'll come from the side, the front, the back. Each part where the boy will appear will strike Ruidosa from various directions.

 "My speed is like the wind!"

 A whirlwind would erupt around her from the sheer speed of the boy as he attempts to ensnare her within his fast movement. "Into the deafening vortex!"

 And as he leaps from the vortex, he comes down with a roll and a descending kick.

 "Storm's Eye!"

<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has attacked Ruidosa La Crima with Storm's Eye.

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima endures Reize Seatlan's Storm's Eye.

Ruidosa la Crima tries to tighten the grip but can't keep it because Reize is too fast and she tries to throw up another barrier to endure the attack, clenching her teeth as she's attacked from various angles and she winces and lets out little hard groans as she clenches her arms out and finally calls out. "ENOUGH!" into the powerful art employed against her, going back to glowing her usual dark aura as she casts off the barrier around her, sending out a wave of dark energy as she calls out. "OLA DE ESCUDA!" she calls out, the barrier turning into a wave of dark energy that's been charged with all those hits.

She seethes as she still stands, but she looks tired and ragged and if she could breathe she'd probably be panting even as she clenches her fists. "YOU CAN'T DEFEAT ME THAT EASILY, REIZEY!" she calls out and shakes her fist. Though no Oujo laugh this time as she seethes silently now.

<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has attacked Reize Seatlan with Ola de Escudo.

<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has been hit by Ruidosa La Crima's Ola de Escudo.

 "Daiby," Ivo says in a tone that might be a little too casual. "Have you ever considered laughing like Ruidosa? You know, like." He raises a hand to his lips and tilts his head back. "OHOHOHO~ <3 <3 <3."
 "The sanctity of this place has been fouled," Kernunnos remarks.
 "Shh!" Ivo hushes the deity. "It's for a good cause!"
 But even his noble (?) goal does not take precedence over his attention to the prowess on display. The Cosmopolitan falls silent as he witnesses the heightened exchange of blows, his eyebrows raising at Reize's skill, the hairs on the back of his neck rising as Ruidosa's barrier becomes empowered.
 "They're really going all out," he murmurs. "I didn't expect this Tournament of Lovers to be quite so intense, but perhaps, on reflection, I should've." That's not what it's called. "Should we go next? Ah ha ha, I'm kidding. Unless... ah ha ha."

  That was all that the boy had in him.

 He managed to give out the assault and ended it with the descending kick. That was what he needed to get the job done. ... Or so he thought. Ruidosa shows that she is a lot sturdier than he gave her credit for. That explosion of dark energy erupts.

 Wait, did she just absorb the impact from his attack with that magic?!

 He takes his position to guard against it, but he is caught by the full burst of the blast. "Gaaaahh!" He flies back, skidding across the ground. "N----ghh.."

 He tries to get back up to his feet.

 But he soon collapses, dropping his boomerangs. "I lost..."

<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan takes no action.

<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan can no longer fight.

Ruidosa La Crima clenches her fists, getting ready for another set of attacks when Reize drops to one knee and says he lost. HE SURE DID. She hops and jumps. And Oujo laughs again. "Ohohoho, That's the power of House La Crima....!"


Wait, no, never mind. It's just an exhibition match. She quickly runs up to Reize and scooooops him up and grins. "Reizey, I won~ <3<3<3." she spins. "I wonder who I fight next. I's Ivo." she says, glancing over to Ivo and giving him a glare. There may be explosions in the background in his minds eye as she glares. Boooooomn.

"Are you okay!?" she suddenly asks Reize.

  Reize, scooped up by Ruidosa and hanging with his face on her stomach, raises a hand into the air. He gives a thumbs up. .... And then his hand drops back as he dangles in her arm..

  • Character: Daiby
  • 1 year, 4 months ago

Daiby considers what Ivo has said, but she focuses on the action. And how Reize takes his lumps! He thumps! He bumps... and he goes 'clump', admitting defeat.

And Rui is--

-- scooping him up instead of feeding upon her prey. Daiby seems obscurely but faintly disappointed. She then gasps! at the sudden glare-spot towards Ivo. Then she clears her throat, delicately.

"Did you mean like this?" she tells Ivo as she raises up one slim hand and cocks it at the right angle to half-veil her mouth. Her head tilts back, and --


All three of the snakes on her leg are now looking up and around themselves. They heard that, even if they ain't got no EARS

Ruidosa La Crima 'Ohohohohos!' back, like some sort of custom. She nods, knowingly. Game knows game.

> Ivo Galvan has been critically hit by Daiby's Oujo Laugh.
> Ivo can no longer banter.