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Lost Kitty!!!
Scene details
- Start date: April 17, 2022, 3 p.m.
End date: April 17, 2022, 5:28 p.m.
- Location: Granse - Zerhem Kingdom
- Participants:
Reize Seatlan,
Ruidosa La Crima
Setting: The Star Chasers find themselves taking on a new mission, after the persistence of a certain vampire and as recommendation by a certain receptionist for a CERTAIN CRIMINAL to redeem himself: Find the lost kitten. Should be a simple enough request, right?
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Zerhem remains a modest kingdom, peaceful streets with limestone dug along the surrounding hills. The residences remain quiet while shops around are bustling with activity at the square.
It is the afternoon, sun shining with its glimmering light. People are busy chatting at the square, conversations ranging from the day to the expectations of the new season.
The Star Chasers are in the move, trying to find the whereabouts of a lost cat that should be somewhere within the city. As modest as the city can be, no one has spotted the cat in question.
Reize Seatlan, the young explorer, looks quite dejected as his head hangs low. Ugh, the status of 'Criminal' and his partner is essentially his 'parole officer'.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima had no idea what this whole parole officer thing was, and the Vanguard Handbook she'd be handed said nothing about CRIMINAL STATUS, and now she's wondering things like 'did I miss something' and then 'No, it's the people who are wrong' in her head. But thusly, she's helping to find a fuzzy cat.
Pros: Fuzzy Cat, Reward, No Boatcrime, No Murder Sirens, Cons: Lots of walking, 'Here kitty kitty'.
Thusly, she's making little 'psst, psst' sounds at cats and checking to see if they're the cat in question as compared to the sketch on the job posting she took down and she frowns and looks side eye at Reize.
"If you scooch down, you make yourself smaller and cats will come to you easier than if you we're standing. Also make the psst sound. Cats seem to like it." she asides.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Throughout the moments of watching Ruidosa walking and making such 'psst' sounds, the young explorer cannot help but to have a bemused look on his face. It is actually nice to see her more cheerful about a Vanguard Request. Though, it is the safe route that she always wanted as well.
"Ah...?" He glances at her as she focuses her attention on him. "Ri---right..." He squats down, lowering himself and he makes a 'psst' sound. 'psspsspss...'
There doesn't seem to be any signs yet.
"Whew, it's definitely been at least half a day. The cat could be anywhere.... I don't suppose you'd have a tracking spell of sort, would you?"
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
'Lost Cat' is perfect after 'Cursed Murder Sirens', even if it didn't turn out there was Murder sirens. BUT STILL, THEY COULD HAD BEEN. Still, she follows along as she eyes Reize with a blink. "A tracking spell?" she asks.
"I mean tracking works like it does when you're hunting. You need signs before you can track! If .. if I had a paw print or a tuft of fur maybe... but magic isn't just...magic...!" pause. "OKAY Magic is Magic but you know what I'm saying!" she huffs.
"I need something to track before I can track." she says as as she pets a cat that isn't the cat they're looking for. Awww what a kitty, Pet pet pet, off it goes.
Lots of cats but none are the missing one thus far. Maybe the owner described it wrong? She re-reads the description.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Listening to Ruidosa, Reize runs a hand along his chin, considering her requirements, "Oh, got it. That does make sense." He runs a hand along the back of his head, "You do need an initial 'scent' before you can follow it for tracking." At the very least, Ruidosa knows how to explain things to a hunter!
"Huh, do you mean like that cat?"
And wouldn't you know it? There is a small black cat with quite little paws. It meows once, looking around. It starts to make its way down into a dark alleyway within the town.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima seems happy to play and pet with random cats. Yes this is the type of mission she imagined, getting to pet fuzzy fuzzy cats. No danger, no enemies, no cursed mines. AND THEN... a black cat! She blinks. "I think that's it, come on." she says as she starts to walk quickly after the cat, not running though, don't wanna spook the cat anymore than it may be of course!
She motions for Reize to follow and smiles. "I'm gonna scoop the kitty, yes I am, gonna scoop you all up in my arms and cuddle you and bring you back home!" she says in a sing song voice after the cat. "Psstpsstpsst!" she goes.
"Gonna catch the cat!"
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
For the most part, the cat does not seen to be too much of a hurry as it walks along the dark alley. The black cat is padding along, minding its own business as it sniffs around. Maybe it is looking for food. It peeks out to the left and then the right, before it hops along a barrel and climbs up to the building.
While following Ruidosa, he cannot help but crack a grin to see that she's excited about such a mudane activity. He thinks to himself that maybe sometimes, an adventure doesn't always have to be extravagant. Or maybe, it serves as a reminder. "You're definitely enjoying yourself this time, Rui."
By the time that Ruidosa arrives to the alley, she would find that the cat had disappeared. It is no longer within plain sight of the alleyway.
However, she may catch the tail end of it's 'tail' as it heads along the rooftop of the building.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa smiles. She looks back at Reize. "There's lots of kitties. There was only one cat that'd come near the manor and it always begged for food so Tranqy would feed it and it'd meow cutely and there's so many cats!" she says.
She frowns as the cat disappears as she looks around suddenly in the dark alley and she 'ahs!' and catches it's fuzzy lil tail hopping onto the rooftop as she looks up just in time.
"Dark it's on the rooftop..." she says. She looks to Reize and frowns. "I can fly up there, but can you get up there?" she asks softly not wanting to leave Reize behind just to chase a cat....
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=12.
Roll(s): 20. Total result is 20. This is a success (by 8).
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
"Is that so?" He tilts his head over, then he gives a thoughtful look, "Must be one brave cat to travel all the way to the manor." He pauses, "I'm surprised your mother wouldn't let you keep the cat... or did she?" His arrival right behind Ruidosa earns a pause and then he scratches his head. "Annnd we lost it." He frowns.
However, Ruidosa was able to find the trail! He looks up along the rooftop to see that the cat was no longer there, but at least Ruidosa has a trail on it.
While Ruidosa shows concern on over his options of handling the obstacle. The boy cracks a smile at his partner.
... and then he starts off in a sprint towards the wall. He launches from the ground with one leg and then he presses towards the wall. He kicks off of the wall and hits over to the next wall nearby. With a couple of kick-ups, he pushes up to the previous wall until he can latch onto the rails and then he climbs up to the top.
"Made it!"
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa watches Reize wall jump and blinks. "Woah!" she says with amazement as she turns into a bat, a puff of smoke following that and flies up to the roof, before turning back into her humanoid form. Her ascent doesn't have much fanfare as Reize's. She just turns into a bat
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa watches Reize wall jump and blinks. "Woah!" she says with amazement as she turns into a bat, a puff of smoke following that and flies up to the roof, before turning back into her humanoid form. Her ascent doesn't have much fanfare as Reize's. She just turns into a bat flies up and turns back.
She brushes herself off and looks around the rooftops as she frowns. "Where's the cat?" she squints as she walks forward carefully on the rooftop forward, softly sniffing the air.
"Pstpsstpsst where's kitty kitty?"
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Once he's up on the rooftop, he watches Ruidosa turn into a bat and follow suit to meet with him. As she shifts back into her normal form, Reize does get a good look over their surrounding.
It is then that the cat is padding along the next roof top, then it starts hopping off into the next alleyway. It smells food nearby.
"Over there!" He points to the space where the cat jumped off. He starts off with a quick run, and then he hops over to the other side. He walks over to the edge of the rooftop, seeing the cat's descent. "Over there!"
The cat doesn't seem too bothered by the presence of people where it was. It is on a mission. In fact, it sets its eyes over towards a table on the other side of the 'street'. There appears to be a plate with a chicken leg left behind. There is even a small glass of wine nearby, still full.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa hops rooftops in the city with Reize and peeks off the edge of the edge of the rooftop where the cat dropped off. and eyes the cat... then the full plate. Then the cat again and she hunkers down. "I'm gonna try to scoop it~" she says to Reize as she jumps down off the rooftop and attempts to scoop the cat!
She wants to catch the cat. carefully and quickly, as she 'squeees' at the same time!
Adorable cat capture art, go!?
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20.
Comment: Cat Capture Arts Go!
Roll(s): 9. Total result is 9.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
As soon as Ruidosa comes down from the rooftop, she'll find that the cat is already on the move. Once she gets close by, she'll find a shadow looming over her.
There is a large stack of barrels atop one another, haphazardly stacked together and looking like it is on the verge of falling. It so happens that she is stumbling across the set of barrels that suddenly starts to fall on top of her.
"Ruidosa!" Reize calls out in warning for her to get out of the way.
Annnd it crashes right in front of her, denying her the chance to catch the cat.
Of course, the cat is now distracted, enjoying its well-hunted meal. It is across the street and not paying attention to anyone.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: QTE to avoid being buried by Barrels.
Roll(s): 8. Total result is 8. This is a failure (by 2).
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
A giant shadow looms over Ruidosa as she lands and the cat runs away. "E..eekk!" barrels being to collapse over her.... A! SUCCESS! B! SUCCESS! R1 FAILURE! She fails the Quick Time Event to avoid barrels and ends up buried under them as she covers her head and falls forward as the cat goes to run across the street- eating it's chicken leg as a barrel rolls over and Rui sticks her head out from the pile of barrels, looking all scuffed and angry.
"D..umb kitty! Why don't you let me take you home!?" she cries as she huffs.
" get these off me...!" she pleads to Reize.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20.
Roll(s): 8. Total result is 8.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Through the loud crash, Reize winces and turns away briefly. He quickly turns his head back and he slides down the railing, coming down from the rooftop to meet with the disasterous display around Ruidosa as she's covered with the fragments of the barrels. He starts pushing against the barrel, shoving them away from the young vampire.
I got you, Rui!"
Reize attempts to help Ruidosa out... until the other parts of the barrels collapse down on him as well. "ACK!" He groans in pain, muttering to himself. "...I guess this is match made, right Rui?" He jests lightheartedly.
Cat seems rather content, padding back towards the two. It looks over both Ruidosa and Reize, canting its head to the side at their predictament. Despite all things, Ruidosa is approached by the cat with a cheerful 'meow'.
Meanwhile, there is someone approaching the table, a bit of angry words, demanding another plate. The waiter, seeing the commotion, hurriedly calls for another order. That other man is joined by someone else and they settle on the opposite side of each other.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Reize comes down to help....and--- barrels collapse down on him and they're both buried in barrels and Ruidosa is frowning. She sighs and sulks in the barrel prison as she eyes the angry customer and their friend(?) before looking down at the cat and blinking.
"Psst psst psst..." she goes quietly, trying to convince the cat to come closer for the moment. When she has the cat, she can try to get out of this...
Barrel of Fun.
She sighs unhappily and mutter. "Come kitty kitty..." she mutters, holding out her arms.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
As if drawn by the calling, the cat pads closer to Ruidosa's face and then it purrs, nuzzling over towards her cheek in content. It looks like getting the cat was easy enough, right?
After a few moments, Reize had started pushing the barrel off from over him and worked on pulling the rest of the wreckage from Ruidosa.
With a resigned sigh, Reize frowns at Ruidosa, "Well, that was... not the most elegant way, but.." He smiles, "We did manage to get a hold of the cat, right?"
The two men depart from the table pass by the wreckage. Due to the current wreckage, they cannot see the group or the cat through the alley. Easily ignored. The two are able to hear a vague conversation from the men.
"Assassinate the prince..."
"--ll tolls."
The two split off after their confirmation.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa has the cat! She scoops it up and spins!....
She beams. "We got the cat---!" she says with dramatics, before she gently blinks and picks up bits of a conversation and suddenly she grabs Reize and hides behind the battel pile, holding the cat to her chest.
"Did you...hear that?" she asks.
"I dunno if you did but.. we better deliver the cat back and report something about that..
"It sounded like they're going to assassinate the prince or princess maybe...!" she says with wide eyes.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
There is fanfare that plays on top of the girl spinning with the cat in her arms.
Despite of the wild spin, the cat doesn't seem to mind it too much, evident by a cheerful mewl in response. Reize cannot help but crack a grin at the jovial nature of Ruidosa and the cat together.
...However, the bits of the conversation that was overheard becomes worrying.
"...Yeah." The expression becomes more wary, looking ahead to see if he can get a good look at the two that split off. However, by the time that he does make it out, his eyes widen. "... They're gone." He looks at Ruidosa, "D--did you get a good look at them? I missed it!"
He closes his eyes, running a hand over towards his face. "Yeah, for now, let's head back and report that we found the missing cat." He runs a hand along the back of his head. "With any luck, I'll be cleared of my status and can take up the missions once more~!"