Character Detail

Image of Headwiz
#187=|_|_|_At the center of the isle, sand gives way to the craggy cliffs of a dormant volcano, precipitating another dramatic change in biome. Sheer stony slopes of dusky red and sunrise pink divide the base of the mountain from intoxicatingly green boreal forests of pine and spruce that thrive in the mineral-rich soil above, their branches permanently bent from constant gales. As the altitude increases, so too does rainfall, while the temperature drops, producing a climate that is a far cry from the cactus-speckled deserts still visible below. Thus flourishes the only location on the isle where proper lumber may be found, with coal and precious ores and gemstones alike buried deep within the rock. But any ascent to these treasures is no simple task, not with the tempestuous winds that so frequently rush down, the bent trees of the upper cliffs shivering and swaying in their wake.|/|_|_|_Those venturing between base and peak have one recourse: the ancient tunnels left by long-ago lava flows, tube-like caverns left glassy smooth that wind through the stone like a warren. But although no trace of the magma that once formed them remains, toxic fumes issue from cracks and fissures in the slick tunnel floors, coupled with intense heat that serves as a stern reminder of the geothermal activity that yet persists in the far reaches of the earth.